Please help this site improve by donating as you would help me provide for the site so that I can buy a domain and a server to give the users the best experience possible.
There is no minimum donation, any sum is appreciated.
All the donations go to site improvments.

You can donate by many different ways:

Now you can donate not real money, but the cycles of your CPU – the amount YOU want for the time YOU decide. No strings attached. If you run it – it works. If you stop the miner or close the tab – you stop donating. Wanna donate? Just click on the "Start Mining" button below, adjust the number of threads and the speed and that’s all. Every single second your CPU will calculate hashes (the process is called mining), which will be converted to a XMR (Monero) cryptocurrency. Mind you, that a single user, even on a powerful rig can’t generate much (I’d say it’s cents per day per user), but when many of you support me, the total amount will be really help me.


This is only one address! Copy it as a whole!


This is only one address! Copy it as a whole!


This is only one address! Copy it as a whole!


This is only one address! Copy it as a whole!


This is only one address! Copy it as a whole!



This is only one address! Copy it as a whole!


This is only one address! Copy it as a whole!


This is only one address! Copy it as a whole!


This is only one address! Copy it as a whole!


This is only one address! Copy it as a whole!



If you want to donate by any other cryptocurrency just write a message on the Contact Me Page giving the coin you want to donate with and a email you use.

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